"Benabarre (Benavarri en catalán ribagorzano) es una localidad y municipio español de la Ribagorza, en la provincia de Huesca, Aragón. Es la capital histórico-cultural de la comarca y la antigua capital del condado de Ribagorza. Forma parte de La Franja oriental de municipios aragoneses en que se habla la lengua catalana. En algunos textos antiguos aparece comoo Benabarri"
"Benabarre (Spanish: [benaare]), in Ribagorçan and Aragonese: Benavarri (Catalan: [bnari], locally: [benaari]) is a town in the Aragonese county of Ribagorza, in the province of Huesca, Spain. Traditionally, Benabarre was the capital of the historic County of Ribagorza, which was more expansive in territory than today, and included the comarca of Alta Ribagorça, now in the province of Lleida, Catalonia. It was during the Spanish War of Independence, from 1808-1814, that the French Napoleonic troops, in retaliation, decided to make Graus the temporary capital of the county. Graus' population since that time has increased such that it is the largest town in Ribagorza and has consequently evolved into the role of administrative county seat. Despite this, Benabarre continues to be a significant historical and cultural center of attraction."
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