"San Felíu Saserra,(en catalán y oficialmente, Sant Feliu Sasserra), es un municipio de Cataluña, España. Pertenece a la provincia de Barcelona, en la comarca del Bages, en la subcomarca del Llusanés y es limítrofe con las comarcas de Osona y del Moyanés."
"Sant Feliu Sasserra is a municipality in the extreme north-east of the comarca of Bages, in Catalonia. It is also within the natural comarca of Lluçanès. The municipality's name has its origins in several features of the town. It is named Sant Feliu after a primitive church erected atop a rock named the roca d'en Feliu, or "Felix's Rock". The main road through the municipality, which connected Prats de Lluçanès with Artés in Bages, followed the area's hilly natural contours along a ridge, hence Sasserra. The municipality surrounds an exclave of Oristà. Although the municipality lies within the natural region of Lluçanès, it voted in 2015 not to join a proposed new comarca of that name."
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