Sociedad Internacional de Derecho Militar y Derecho de la Guerra
Biographical/historical dataThe international society, recognised by the United Nations is established in Brussels. Its purpose is the study, research and understanding of international conflicts through the law. The Society regularly organises congresses and seminars internationally. Also under the patronnage of the Society, a specialized review is published, the "Review for Military Law and the Law of War". The Society has its seat (and its General Secretariat) in Brussels since 1988, when it has been created to to take over an International Society with the same name and established in Strasbourg in 1956.
Variants of the nameInternational Society for Military Law and Law of War
International Society of Military Law and the Laws of War
Internationale Gesellschaft für Wehrrecht und Kriegsvölkerrecht
Internationale Vereniging voor Militair Recht en Oorlogsrecht
Sociedad de Derecho Militar y Derecho de la Guerra
Società internazionale di diritto militaire e diritto della guerre
Société internationale de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre
Source data found1. WWW ISMLLW, 25/08/2021 The International Society for Military Law and the Law of War is an international non-profit and non-political association under Belgian law. The Society was created in Strasbourg (France) in 1956 and has had its seat as well as its General Secretariat in Brussels (Belgium) since 1988
2. WWW VIAF, 25/08/2021
3. Revue de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre
4. WWW LC auth., 25/08/2021 International Society of Military Law and the Laws of War