"Aarschot (pronunciación en holandés: [a r.sçt]) es una ciudad y municipio en la provincia de Brabante Flamenco, en Flandes, una de las tres regiones de Bélgica. El municipio abarca la ciudad de Aarschot adecuada y las ciudades de Gelrode, Langdorp y Rillaar. El 1 de enero de 2006, Aarschot tenía una población total de 27 864 habitantes. La superficie total es de 62,52 km², lo que da una densidad de población de 446 habitantes por km². Se encuentra en la parte del Brabante Flamenco llamada Hageland, situada al este de Lovaina. Aarschot es un pueblo muy típico con una larga historia que se remonta a la época de los emperadores romanos, de acuerdo a los mitos. La iglesia, que domina el aspecto de la ciudad, está construido con la piedra típica de café cosechado en las colinas de los alrededores. Las mismas montañas que, en la Edad Media, eran el hogar de algunos de los más conceptuados viñedos de Europa. Hoy en día las colinas de la cadena, que se originan en el Bolderberg, Heusden-Zolder, y continúan hasta Calais, en Francia, están cubiertas de bosques y jardines de la fruta. Mientras que la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora (Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk) definitivamente deja su huella en la fisonomía de la ciudad, nada define mejor que el Aarschot río que lo atraviesa: el Demer. Aarschot está situado en el valle de este río de color marrón."
"Aarschot (Dutch pronunciation: [arsxt]) is a city and municipality in the province of Flemish Brabant, in Flanders, Belgium. The municipality comprises the city of Aarschot proper and the towns of Gelrode, Langdorp and Rillaar. On January 1, 2006, Aarschot had a total population of 27,864. The total area is 62.52 km² which gives a population density of 446 inhabitants per km². It is located in the part of Flemish Brabant called Hageland, located to the east of Leuven. Aarschot is a very typical town with a long history, dating back to the era of the Roman emperors, according to myths. The church, which dominates the look of the city, is built with the typical brown stone quarried from the hills in the surrounding areas. These same hills were in the Middle Ages home to some of the most well-regarded vineyards of Europe. Today the chain hills, which originate in Bolderberg, Heusden-Zolder, and continue as far as Calais in France, are mainly covered with woods and fruit yards. While the Church of Our Lady (Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk) definitely leaves its mark on the appearance of the city, nothing defines Aarschot better than the river that passes through it: the Demer. Aarschot is situated in the valley of this brown-colored river. Aarschot was hit very hard in World War I. When German troops occupied the city on 19 August 1914, Colonel Stenger, commander of the 8th German Infantry Brigade, was shot dead on the balcony of the town hall. The German reprisal was extremely harsh.Many houses were set alight and 156 people were executed, including Mayor Tielemans and his 15-year-old son. The next day, the entire population was ordered to evacuate the city. * Hertogensmolens downstream side * Tower of the Church of Our Lady (from the south)"