"África Oriental o África del Este es la región más al este del continente africano y que se define de modo variable por la geografía o la geopolítica. Según el esquema de regiones geográficas de las Naciones Unidas, son 19 los territorios que comprende el África Oriental: Países Pertenecientes a la Comunidad Africana Oriental (CAO): * Bandera de Kenia Kenia. * Bandera de Tanzania Tanzania. * Bandera de Uganda Uganda. Países del llamado Cuerno de África * Bandera de Yibuti Yibuti. * Bandera de Eritrea Eritrea. * Bandera de Etiopía Etiopía. * Bandera de Somalia Somalia. Países a veces considerados de África austral * Bandera de Mozambique Mozambique. * Bandera de Madagascar Madagascar. * Bandera de Malaui Malaui. * Bandera de Zambia Zambia. * Bandera de Zimbabue Zimbabue Países a veces considerados de África Central * Bandera de Burundi Burundi. * Bandera de Ruanda Ruanda. Pequeños países ubicados en Océano Índico * Bandera de Comoras Comoras. * Bandera de Mauricio Mauricio. * Bandera de Seychelles Seychelles. * Reunión, (departamento francés de ultramar). * Mayotte, (departamento francés de ultramar). Geográficamente, se incluyen a veces estos países: * Bandera de Egipto Egipto. * Bandera de Sudán Sudán. * Bandera de Sudán del Sur Sudán del Sur. Relieve: Está constituido, en su mayor parte, por montañas de gran altitud, macizos, llanuras costeras y una gran fosa tectónica que abarca el centro de esta región. Además, constituye el mayor accidente geográfico y el más importante de la tierra que es la Gran Fractura o Valle de Rift, la cual se extiende desde Asia (mar Muerto) hasta Mozambique."
"East Africa or Eastern Africa is the easterly region of the African continent, variably defined by geography or geopolitics. In the United Nations Statistics Division scheme of geographic regions, 20 territories constitute Eastern Africa: * Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan in Central East Africa, are members of the East African Community (EAC). The first five are also included in the African Great Lakes region. Burundi and Rwanda are sometimes also considered to be part of Central Africa. * Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia collectively known as the Horn of Africa. * Comoros, Mauritius and Seychelles small island nations in the Indian Ocean. * Réunion and Mayotte French overseas territories also in the Indian Ocean. * Mozambique and Madagascar often considered part of Southern Africa, on the eastern side of the sub-continent. Madagascar has close cultural ties to Southeast Asia and the islands of the Indian Ocean. * Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe often also included in Southern Africa, and formerly of the Central African Federation. * Egypt, Sudan and South Sudan (newly independent from Sudan) collectively part of the Nile Valley. Situated in the northeastern portion of the continent, and are often included in Northern Africa. Also members of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) free trade area. Due to colonial territories of the British East Africa Protectorate and German East Africa, the term East Africa is often (especially in the English language) used to specifically refer to the area now comprising the three countries of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. However, this has never been the convention in many other languages, where the term generally had a wider, strictly geographic context and therefore typically included Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia."