Section: Maps, plans and nautical charts
Uniform title: INDIA (Costa oriental). Cartas náuticas. 1784. 1:150000 (1771)
Title: Chart of the Coast of Choromandel and Orixa : by John Ritchie 1771 ; T. Harmar s
Material or type of resouce Area: Escala [ca. 1:1500000]
Publication: [London] : Publishd according to Act of Parliament by A. Dalrymple, 1784
Physical description: 1 mapa ; 59 x 48 cm
Notes: Comprende la costa oriental de la India entre Madrás y la punta de Palmyras
Escala hallada a partir de un grado de meridiano [= 7,5 cm]. Graduado únicamente en latitud (N 21°-N 13°). Orientado con media lis
Relieve de perfil
Indica sondas batimétricas, veriles y bajos
Inserta: "Plan of Coringo". Escala [ca. 1:370370], 40 nautic miles [= 20 cm] ; "Plan of Vizagapatam Road/by Capt. John Ritchie 1771". Escala [ca. 1: 370370], 40 nautic miles [= 20 cm]. "Chart of the Coasts of Galconda and Orixa". "Chart of the Coast of Coremandell : From Fort St. George to Visiagapatam". "A Draught of the Armegon Shoals/by A. Fisherman about 1762"
En: "Pilote Oriental". 1785? h. 11. Corresponde al Vol. X, T.II del "Atlas Maritime Anglois"
Other authors: Ritchie, John
Dalrymple, Alexander
Harmer, Thomas
Related titles: Título: Atlas Maritime Anglois
UDC: 912:551.46](540-11)21771"
540-11:26.04 Armagon
540-11:26.04 Vizagapataus
540-11:26.04 Caringa
Type of publication: Maps