Section: Maps, plans and nautical charts
Uniform title: India. Mapas generales. 1867. 1:2000000 (1865)
Title: Map of the Country between Leh and Ilchi : Showing the routes taken by Mr. Johnson, Civil Assit. G.T. Survey / Edwd. Weller
Material or type of resouce Area: Escala [ca. 1:2000000], 50 english miles [= 4 cm]
Publication: London : Published for the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society by J. Murray Allernale Steet, 1887
Physical description: 1 mapa : col. ; 23,5x24,5 cm en h. de 27,5x41 cm
Notes: Relieve representado por normales
Tabla de signos convencionales para indicar las rutas de Mr. Johnson
Notas manuscritas a lápiz
Materia / lugar / evento: Mapas generales
Other authors: Weller, Edward
Munray, John
UDC: 912:656.02(540-17)'1865'
(540 Leh)
(540 Ilchi)
Type of publication: Maps