Movements to dislodge the French army from its positions...

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Maps Maps, plans and nautical charts Movements to dislodge the French army from its positions on the right bank, of the Alva, on the 18th of March, 1811 (1860)
DisponibleDisponible Holdings

Section: Maps, plans and nautical charts

Title: Movements to dislodge the French army from its positions on the right bank, of the Alva, on the 18th of March, 1811 / Coll. Sir H. James... Director

Material or type of resouce Area: Escala [ca. 1:50000], 2 Miles [= 6,4 cm]

Publication: London : Lithod. from the Original Drawing in the Qr. Mr. Genls. Office, at the Topl. Dept. of the War Office, 1860

Physical description: 1 mapa : col. ; 55,1x39,4 cm 68,2x50,9 cm

Notes: Pertenece al 'Massena's Retreat' ; N 8
Orientado con flecha en cuadrante
Relieve representado por normales
Relación de las principales posiciones y cuerpos de los ejércitos, indicados por clave alfabética
Indica vegetación y las posiciones de los ejércitos por clave cromática

UDC: 912:[355.4:355.43](469-328 Beira Alta)'1811'
(469 Meita)
(469 Sarzedo)

Type of publication: Maps Maps


Cartoteca del Centro Geográfico del Ejército
Location: AR — Call number: Ar.G bis-T.6-C.4-149 — Código de barras: 2212388

Préstamo: DisponibleDisponible