Actual Survey of the coast from Arundel Haven in Sussex...

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Mapas Mapas, planos y cartas náuticas Actual Survey of the coast from Arundel Haven in Sussex to St Aldaus in Dorsetshi : shewing all the Shoals sauds,... (17--?)    
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Sección: Mapas, planos y cartas náuticas

Título: Actual Survey of the coast from Arundel Haven in Sussex to St Aldaus in Dorsetshi : shewing all the Shoals sauds, Beacons, buoys, sea marks, soundings, Bays, Harbours, Havens, Rivers, Creeks, streams with the time of High Water, setting of the tides & particular Directions for sailing in at each end of the of Wight and the respective Harbours herein contained [Mapa] / Surveyed by order of the govermmnet and Dedicated to the Rt Honble the Lord of the Adminiralty by their Lordships most humble and Obedien servant; Joseph Avery; Robert Sayer and John Bennett

Área de datos: Escala [ca. 1:98000]

Publicación: London : Robert Sayer and John Bennett, 17--?

Descripción física: 1 map. ; 53 x 117 cm


Materia / lugar / evento: Cartas náuticas

CDU: 912:551.46]:551.42(26.06)"17"
410:26.06 La Mancha
44:26.06 La Mancha

Tipo de publicación: Mapas Mapas


Archivo Histórico de la Armada - J.S. de Elcano
Ubicación: DE — Signatura: MN- A-10076-5 — Código de barras: 2302763

Préstamo: DisponibleDisponible

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