"El golfo de Cádiz es un entrante del océano Atlántico en la costa del suroeste de la península ibérica, que se encuentra entre el cabo de San Vicente, en Portugal, y el estrecho de Gibraltar, por lo que sus aguas bañan la costa sur del Algarve, la costa de la provincia de Huelva y la costa atlántica de la provincia de Cádiz."
"The Gulf of Cádiz (Spanish: Golfo de Cádiz, Portuguese: Golfo de Cádis) is the arm of the Atlantic Ocean between Cabo de Santa Maria, the southernmost point of Mainland Portugal and Cape Trafalgar at the western end of the Strait of Gibraltar. Two major rivers, the Guadalquivir and the Guadiana, as well as smaller rivers, like the Odiel, the Tinto, and the Guadalete, reach the ocean here. The Gulf of Cádiz is located in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean between 34°N and 37°15N and 6°W to 9°45W. It is enclosed by the southern Iberian and northern Moroccan margins, west of Gibraltar Strait."