Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte. Agencia Militar para...

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Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte. Agencia Militar para la Normalización

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Fuentes consultadas1. WWW Nato, 13/06/2017 the Military Office for Standardization (MAS) was established in London in January 1951 for the purpose of fostering the standardization of operational and administrative practices and war material. In 1971 the MAS moved to NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, where, following the 1998-2000 review of the NATO Standardization Process, the MAS was combined with the Office of NATO Standardization (which addressed broader standardization issues such as identifying overall Alliance standardization goals and co-ordination between operational and material activities). The Charter of the resultant NATO Standardization Agency (NSA), approved in August 2001, gave the NSA expanded responsibilities for the co-ordination of standardization activities within NATO. In July 2014, as a result of the NATO Agencies Reform, the NSA became without change in its mission the NATO Standardization Office (NSO). An integrated NATO Headquarters staff element reporting to the Military Committee and the Committee for Standardization
2. WWW VIAF, 13/06/2017
3. NATO glossary of terms and definitions
4. WWW LC auth., 13/06/2017 North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Military Agency for Standardization