Coll (Isla)

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Coll (Isla)

Tipo de entidadIsla
Apuntes biográficos/históricosAbstract from English Wikipedia:
"Coll (Scottish Gaelic: Cola) is an island located west of Mull in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. Coll is known for its sandy beaches, which rise to form large sand dunes, for its corncrakes, and for Breacachadh Castle. It is in the council area of Argyll and Bute."
RelacionesTérmino genérico:
   Hébridas (Islas)
Linked Open DataWikidata
Virtual International Authority File
Library of Congress Linked Data Service
Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
FAST Linked Data
NotasColl es una isla de las Hébridas Interiores, en Escocia (Reino Unido).
Formas alternativas del nombreIsla de Coll
Cola (Isla)
Fuentes consultadas1. WWW Geonames, 07/10/2016 N 56°38'00''/O 6°34'00''
2. WWW Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names, 07/10/2016 Coll (island)