"Balj o Balkh (en persa: ) es una de las 32 provincias de Afganistán, ubicada al norte del país. La capital es Mazari Sharif (en tayiko y dari Mazr-e arf, en pastún Mazr-i arf). Algunas ciudades importantes son: Balj, Daulatabad (en tayico y darí Dawltbd), Qarchi Gak, Sulgara (en tayico y darí ulgara) y Tas Gozar (Ta Gozar)."
"Balkh (Persian and Pashto: , Balx) is one of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan, located in the north of the country. It is divided into about twelve districts and has a population of about 1,245,100, which is multi-ethnic and mostly a Persian-speaking society. The city of Mazar-i-Sharif serves as the capital of the province. The Mazar-e Sharif International Airport and Camp Marmal sit on the eastern edge of Mazar-i-Sharif. The name of the province is derived from the ancient city of Balkh, near the modern town. Home to the famous blue mosque, it was once destroyed by Genghis Khan but later rebuilt by Timur. The city of Mazar-e-Sharif has been an important stop on the trade routes from the Far East to the Middle East, the Mediterranean and Europe. The city of Balkh and the area of Balkh Province was considered a part of various historical regions in history including Ariana and Greater Khorasan. It serves today as Afghanistan's second but main gateway to Central Asia, the other being Shir Khan Bandar in neighboring Kunduz Province."
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