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España. Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército
Sanchez de Aguilera, Dionisio
Dunn, Samuel, m. 1794
Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794
Francia. Dépôt de la guerre
Hermosilla, Miguel
López, Tomás, 1730-1802
Dalrymple, Alexander
Santisteban, Manuel de
Chalmandrier, Nicolas
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Mapas generales
La Coruña (Provincia)
Planos de población
Cartas náuticas
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1774 - 1781
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A new Atlas of the mundane system : or, of Geography and Cosmography describing the Heavens and the Earth, the distances, motions and magnitudes, of the Celestial Bodies, the various empires, kingdoms, states, republics, and islands, throughout the known world : the whole elegantly engraved on sixty two Copper Plates : with a General introduction to geography and cosmography in which the elements of these sciences are compendiously deduced from original principles, and traced from their invention to the latest improuvements
The American Military Pocket Atlas : being an approved collection of correct maps, both general and particular of the British Colonies : especially those which now are, or probably maybe the theatre of War : Taken principally from the actual Surveys and judicious Observations of Engineer De Brahm and Romans, Cook, Jackson and Collet, Maj. Holland, and other Officiers, employed in this Majesty's Fleets and Armies
Le Neptune Oriental
Mapas, planos y cartas náuticas
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Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional (CC-BY-4.0)
Atribución-NoComercial-4.0 Internacional (CC-BY-NC-4.-0)
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[Carte hidrographique de la bassin fluviale de París]
FRANCIA. Central. Cuencas hidrográficas. Escala indeterminada (1774)
[Paris] : [Dépot de la Guerre], [1774?]
[Perfiles de los baluartes de la Soledad, San Pedro y San Crispín en el castillo de San Juan de Ulua]
VERACRUZ (México). Castillo de San Juan de Ulúa. Baluartes. 1:126 (1774)
Veracruz 26 de Octubre de 1774
[Plano del estado en que se ha de poner el castillo de San Juan de Ulua]
VERACRUZ (México). Castillos. 1:491 (1774)
Veracruz 26 de Octubre de 1774
A map of the British Empire in North America
Estados Unidos. Colonias. 1:20000000 (1774)
En: A new Atlas of the mundane system : or, of Geography and Cosmography describing the Heavens and the Earth, the distances, motions and magnitudes, of the Celestial Bodies, the various empires, kingdoms, states, republics, and islands, throughout the known world : the whole elegantly engraved on sixty two Copper Plates : with a General introduction to geography and cosmography in which the elements of these sciences are compendiously deduced from original principles, and traced from their invention to the latest improuvements. - London : Printed for Robert Sayer, Map and Print-seller, (N°53) in Fleet-Street, 1774
London : Printed for Robt.Sayer, n° 53 in Fleet Street, as the Act directs, 10 January 1774
America north and south with the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans wherein are distinguished all the New Discoveries
AMERICA. Mapas generales. 1:50000000-1:61700000 (1774)
En: A new Atlas of the mundane system : or, of Geography and Cosmography describing the Heavens and the Earth, the distances, motions and magnitudes, of the Celestial Bodies, the various empires, kingdoms, states, republics, and islands, throughout the known world : the whole elegantly engraved on sixty two Copper Plates : with a General introduction to geography and cosmography in which the elements of these sciences are compendiously deduced from original principles, and traced from their invention to the latest improuvements. - London : Printed for Robert Sayer, Map and Print-seller, (N°53) in Fleet-Street, 1774
London : Printed for Robt. Sayer n°53 in Fleet Street as theAc t directs, 10 Jany. 1774
Carta de la Tierra Santa de los hebreos ; ó de los israelitas : dividida según el orden de Dios, entre las doce...
PALESTINA (Región). Mapas de distribución de las religiones. 1774. 1:700000 (12-- a.c)
Madrid : [Tomás López], Año de 1774
Carte de la partie septentrionale de l'Empire Otoman
UCRANIA. Mapas generales. 1:1400000 (1774)
A Paris : Chez Vignon Marchand de Cartes de Geographie, rue Dauphine vis - á - vis celle d'Anjou, 1774
Carte des isles du Cap-Verd
Après de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d'
En: Le Neptune Oriental. - [Lugar de publicación no identificado] : [Editor no identificado], [1802]. - [Mapa] 6
Carte du Canal royal de la Province de Languedoc, Depuis Renneville jusqu'a Trebes : Sur l'Echelle de 5 lignes pour...
Francia. Canales. 1:7000 (1774)
[Paris] : [Dépot de la Guerre], [1774]
Carte du Canal Royal de la Province de Languedoc. Depuis Capestang jusqu'a l'Etang de Thau< / Levée et gravée par...
Francia. Canales. 1:17000 (1774)
[Paris] : [Dépot de la Guerre], 1774
Carte du Canal Royal de la Province de Languedoc. Depuis Toulouse jusqu'a Renneville : Sur l'Echelle de 5 Lignes...
Francia. Canales. 1:17000 (1774)
[Paris] : [Dépot de la Guerre], 1774
Carte du Canal Royal de la Province de Languedoc. Depuis Trebes jusqu'a Capestang : Sur l'Echelle de cinq Lignes...
Francia. Canales. 1:17000 (1774)
[Paris] : [Dépot de la Guerre], 1774
Chart of The Coast from Cape Arubah to The Entrance of The Gulph of Persia
Arabia (Península). Cartas náuticas. 1781. 1:1400000 (1774)
[London?] : Published according to Act of Parliament by A. Dalrymple, 1781
A Compleat map of the West Indies : containing the coast of Florida, Louisiana, New Spain, and Terra Firma, with all...
Caribe (Mar). Colonias. 1:9000000 (1774)
En: A new Atlas of the mundane system : or, of Geography and Cosmography describing the Heavens and the Earth, the distances, motions and magnitudes, of the Celestial Bodies, the various empires, kingdoms, states, republics, and islands, throughout the known world : the whole elegantly engraved on sixty two Copper Plates : with a General introduction to geography and cosmography in which the elements of these sciences are compendiously deduced from original principles, and traced from their invention to the latest improuvements. - London : Printed for Robert Sayer, Map and Print-seller, (N°53) in Fleet-Street, 1774
London : Printed for Robt. Sayer, n° 53 in Fleet Street, as the Act directs, 10 January 1774
Compleat Map of the West Indies : Containing the Coasts of Florida, Louisiana, New Spain and Terra Firma with all the...
AMERICA CENTRAL. Mapas generales. 1776. 1:9000000 (1774)
En: The American Military Pocket Atlas : being an approved collection of correct maps, both general and particular of the British Colonies : especially those which now are, or probably maybe the theatre of War : Taken principally from the actual Surveys and judicious Observations of Engineer De Brahm and Romans, Cook, Jackson and Collet, Maj. Holland, and other Officiers, employed in this Majesty's Fleets and Armies. - London : Printed for R. Sayer and J. Bennett, map and Print Seller (n° 53), Fleet street, [1776]
London : Printed for Robt. Sayer, Nº 53 in Fleet Street, as the Act directs, 10 Janvary [1776]
Copia del Plano original que acompaña à este, del Nuevo Proyecto, que forma el Yngeniero Dn. Juan de Dios Gonzalez,...
CARMEN (México) (Isla). Fortificaciones. 1:400 (1774)
Croquis de la Ria del Ferrol y sus inmediaciones, darsenas y fortificaciones con la direccion de ambas costas
AROSA (Pontevedra) (Ría). Fortificaciones. Sin escala (1774)
1774 sept. 14
Descripción de las Yslas de Barlovto. y Costa de Tierra firme desde el Rio Copare hasta el Escudo de Veraguas y...
Caribe (Mar). Cartas náuticas. 1:2600000 (1774)
Elevación de un frente de fortificación de la Plaza del Ferrol, en la parte del Astillero, hecho en el año de 1773;...
EL FERROL (La Coruña). Edificios militares. 1:550 (1774)
Elevación del Frente de Fortificacion de la plaza del Ferrol desde la Bateria de la Malata hasta la del Quartel de...
EL FERROL (La Coruña). Edificios militares. 1:600 (1774)
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