"Útica fue una ciudad del norte de África que estaba situada al nordeste de Cartago en el actual territorio de Túnez a 40 km al noreste de su capital. Fue la capital de la provincia romana de África Proconsular entre 146 a. C. y 25. En la actualidad está situada a 8 km de la costa y se pueden apreciar restos de sus edificios públicos como termas, almacenes, muelles y un anfiteatro para más de 20 000 espectadores."
"Utica /jutk/ is an ancient city located between Carthage in the south and Hippo Diarrhytus (now Bizerte) in the north, near the outflow of the Medjerda River into the Mediterranean Sea. It is traditionally considered to be the first colony to have been founded by the Phoenicians in North Africa. After the defeat of Carthage by Rome, Utica was an important Roman colony for seven centuries. Today, Utica no longer exists, and its remains are located in Bizerte Governorate in Tunisia - not on the coast where it once lay, but further inland because deforestation and agriculture upriver led to massive erosion and the Medjerda River silted over its original mouth."