"Drente (en neerlandés: Drenthe) es una de las doce provincias que conforman los Países Bajos. Al igual que las demás provincias, está gobernada por un comisionado o comisario designado por el monarca y una cámara legislativa elegida mediante sufragio universal. La capital es Assen. Limita con las provincias de Groninga, Frisia y Overijssel y el Estado federado alemán de Baja Sajonia. En Drente hay grandes brezales y también dólmenes."
"Drenthe (Dutch pronunciation: [drnt] ) is a province of the Netherlands, located in the northeast of the country. It is bordered by Overijssel to the south, Friesland to the west, Groningen to the north, and Germany (districts of Emsland and Bentheim) to the east. In 2014, it had a population of 488,957 and a total area of 2,683 km2 (1,036 sq mi). Drenthe has been populated for 150,000 years. The region has subsequently been part of the Bishopric of Utrecht, Habsburg Netherlands, Dutch Republic, Batavian Republic, Kingdom of Holland, and the Netherlands. Drenthe is an official province since 1796. The capital and seat of the provincial government is Assen. The King's Commissioner of Drenthe is Jacques Tichelaar. The Labour Party (PvdA) is the largest party in the States-Provincial, followed by the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) and the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA). Drenthe is a sparsely populated rural area, unlike many other parts of the Netherlands. Except for some industry in Assen and Emmen, the land in Drenthe is mainly used for agriculture."